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Chorly Support
Are you experiencing issues with Chorly? We're here to help! contact us at
Who is Chorly for?
How does it work?
What are the rewards?
Are there any transaction fees?
Is there a minimum age?
How does the Chorly free trial work?
How much does Chorly cost?
How many stars can I give a week?
Do I need to use rewards?
What do I need to sign up?
Is it beneficial for children to be involved in family chores?
Is it okay for children to be paid for chores?
When should children be involved in household chores?
How do subscriptions work?
How can I cancel?
What if I forget to cancel my free trial?
How do refunds work?
I started the free trial but didn’t get the chance to use Chorly, what can I do?
What are sats?
How does support work?
Is there a referral program?
How does the referral program work?
Are there any limitations to the referral program?
Is there a way for two people to create chores and rewards?
Can I add or remove stars after a chore has been approved?
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Reward kids for Pulling their Weight
No more struggling to get the kids to help around the house
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